Thursday, May 10, 2012

Soul Hustler (1973)

Matthew Crowe, a whoring, pot-smoking, wandering singer teams up with a tent-show preacher. The preacher recognizes Mathew's charisma, and together they collect big donations delivering sermons with rocking gospel songs. Soon enough, Matthew lands a record deal, and the older man becomes the manager of Crowe's new act: Matthew, Son of Jesus. They hire a backup group of mustachioed rock musicians, who play in brown monks' robes, in contrast to Matthew's white robe and sandals. Their debut album becomes a huge hit so they go on a concert tour to promote it.

Fabian gives a good perfomance as a drifter/junkie who with the help of a evangelist preacher/promoter rises to stardorm as a singer of gospel style music.thousands of young kids believe in him, but he has demons of his own to destroy. movie does have some slow spots but over all it will make you think about your beliefs in people. They are not always what they seem. the ending is a surprise. you may have to search for this movie but it you find it pick it up.

directed by: Burt Topper. Starring: Fabian, Nai Bonet, Tony Russel.

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