Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Nazi Zombie Battlefield Death Tales?

In a move that makes little sense, to me at least, UK distributor Safecracker Pictures has retitled the forthcoming Battlefield Death Tales (sequel to indie anthology Bordello Death Tales), to Nazi Zombie Death Tales. There's no doubt that Nazis and zombies are in the public eye at the moment with Iron Sky and The Walking Dead respectively keeping both unsavoury group's profiles high, but this has the air of cheap sensationalism about it. Apparently this move is for the UK market only, so if the film is sold to other territories it has a better chance of retaining its original moniker. Take a look at the recently released poster above that bears the original title. It's striking yet austere, without having to resort to cheap shots like Nazis and zombies to sell the concept. Then take a look at the proposed DVD artwork that makes it look like cheap, straight to DVD rubbish. It is cheap, this is low-budget British filmmaking, it is straight to DVD because cinema audiences want rom-coms and superheroes, but I'm confident it won't be rubbish.

Don't get me wrong, I've no aversion to cheap exploitative movies, but knowing how well-crafted Bordello Death Tales is makes me more than a little sad that Battlefield Death Tales has received this treatment. Enough grumbling from me, Battlefield... sorry, Nazi Zombie Death Tales will be released August 13th 2012 so if you want to pre-order a copy you can do so through the following link at Amazon UK. Silly title or not, it will rock I'm sure.

Links: Death Tales Website | Death Tales Facebook

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