Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chanoc y el Hijo del Santo contra los vampiros asesinos

Chanoc y el Hijo del Santo contra los vampiros asesinos

Chanoc and el Hijo del Santo vs. the Killer Vampires

Cin. RA, 1981Prod/Dir: Rafael Pérez GrovasCAST: El Hijo del Santo, Nelson Velázquez (Chanoc), Arturo Cobo "Cobitos" (Tzekub), Carlos Suárez (Carlitos), Santo (himself), Marcos Vargas (Marcos)
Mexico City release: 21 April 1983; Authorization: A
Santo has a cameo role in this film, which stars his son, El Hijo del Santo. In a pre-credits sequence, Santo and Marcos Vargas (who plays El Hijo del Santo's unmasked identity--some have speculated that Vargas is a pseudonym for Jorge Guzmán, the REAL Hijo del Santo) are in a cavern. Santo is wearing his costume, but Marcos is in civilian clothes. A silver mask rests in a glass case. Santo says:
"My son, you have been preparing to take my place. I've taught you to love the poor and the weak, and now you are ready to help them and defend them, to fight for justice and the law. And above all, to be the friend of the people [el amigo del pueblo]. I am going to present you with this mask, which has been my pride and my emblem. When you put it on, you will have to honor it always, even when your own existence is endangered. If you feel capable of consecrating your life, swear to it as I did. But first, you have to know one thing: once you put it on, you can never go back. Now tell me, are you willing?"
His son replies in the affirmative. Santo tosses a capsule which explodes in a cloud of smoke, and Marcos is replaced by the fully-costumed El Hijo del Santo. The two men embrace and shake hands.
At this point the credits begin. The film itself is not very good, so you might be advised to just watch the sequence with Santo and then take a long nap.

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