Sunday, May 13, 2012

Evil of Dracula DVD (PAL Region 2)

Evil of Dracula DVD (PAL Region 2)
When Professor Shiraki starts his new job at Seimei School for Girls, he is unprepared for the horrors that await him in the classrooms. He arrives to discover the principal's dead wife kept in the cellar, and his fellow teachers acting oddly towards the pupils.

Violent dreams of missing students and bloodthirsty monsters haunt his nights,as Shiraki learns of the legendary vampires that infest the region. With help from Shimimura, the school doctor, he begins to piece together the answer to the mystery behind the school and the disappearances there. Ancient legends of undead demons and a 200 year old coffin lead the pair to discover the deadly secrets of the principal, and his plans for everlasting life.
As more girls succumb to the malevolent force that holds the school in its grip, Shiraki and the doctor must find a way to put an end to the ancient evil, before it devours them all.

Japanese with English Subtitles

  • Import DVD
  • PAL / Region 2
  • English Subtitles
  • Widescreen
  • More...

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